Another uncommon, useful Apple-1 was sold at auction for$ 375, 000.

At a recent auction, the practical Apple-1 makes$ 375k.
A working Apple-1 took the top spot in a collection of Apple items, and some other products also did quite well. The” Steve Jobs and the Apple Revolution” auction at RR Auction has come to an end, with a few notable things making a significant sum of money. The requests were received on March 20 and the bidding started in the late February. &# 13, While the auction included more than 200 Apple and Jobs-related items, one particular item brought in the most money: a fully functional Apple-1 with an original manual. About what RR Auction anticipated, it brought in$ 375, 000. Other noteworthy items in the auction included an Apple/Bandai Pippin EVT Prototype that went for$ 4, 038 and a sealed first-generation iPhone 4GB that went for$ 87, 514. Two checks, one of which sold for$ 112, 054. &# 13, In 2020, another functional Apple-1 sold at auction for$ 458, 711.25. Dana Reddington, Apple’s first applications engineer, sold for more than$ 315, 000 in 2024. A very sought-after 1983 Apple Computer business card signed by Jobs was one of the items listed at the February bidding titled” Amazing Rarities.” Second only to an Albert Einstein autographed image, the cards ended up costing just over$ 100, 000.