It’s that time of the year again, and Call of Duty and some major shooters will be hitting the shelves in the next coming months. To test the capabilities of their servers to handle the influx of players, Call of Duty: World War II will be having an Early Access Beta this weekend, August 26 – 29 (PS4 only) and September 2 – 5 (PS4 and Xbox One). No mention of a PC Early Access Beta as of the moment.
Beta participants will experience the all-new War Mode where players compete against each other in objective-based, team gameplay. The Private Beta will also enlist players in fast-paced, grounded Call of Duty action on maps set in World War II locations such as Pointe du Hoc and the Ardennes Forest.
To join, simply click this link.
Call of Duty: World War II will be released on November 3 for the PC, Xbox One, and Sony PS4. The game is set to return to its roots, giving players the chance to see the World War II in a different (and modern) perspective.
The game has recently garnered controversy online due to its stance on removing Nazi imagery, such as Swastikas,in a game based on historical facts.