
Dota 2 Receives 5.8GB, Transition to Reborn – Hungry Geeks

The International 2015 is far behind us; and Dota will finally be evolving to the brand-new Source 2 engine.

Today, the main client will received the Reborn update measuring a 5.8GB file to download. Making the former playable beta mode of the Reborn become the main client of Dota 2.


We expect that there would be a couple more updates before it finally settles on a stable Dota 2 under the Source 2 engine. Dota 2 and Valve staff will be ironing out issues concerning this transition before shifting their attention on the finer details like in-game UI, and plans to redesign the HUD and fix other in-game features.

Some key features that is included on the new update are:

The whole 5.8GB update log is listed here.



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