
Experience Witcher 3 in first-person view – Hungry Geeks

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I’ve installed a lot of mods to make my game in The Witcher 3 much easier without losing the experience — like calling roach and immediately mounting him, 9999 weight limit and unlimited equipment durability. But I found a more interesting mod that will make the gameplay very different. It lets you play The Witcher 3 in first-person.

Skacikpl’s mod (still developing) is fairly easy to accomplish, and once you enabled it, it lets you walk and run your way through Novigrad in full first-person mode. It’s realistic as you can even see Geralt’s feet as you go.

Of course, being the third-person game, it’s not that perfect. Combat doesn’t actually work and horse-riding either. But for those gamers who just want to run around the streets of Novigrad and the forest of velen and experience it realistically, it really looks great. If you want to download and give it a try, the link will be found in this thread.



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