
Game of Thrones: Oberyn's Daughters – Hungry Geeks

Who’s excited for Game of Thrones Season 5? I am! I am!

The exciting part on Season 5 of this amazing series is how they would package Oberyn Martell’s daugthers; the so called Sand Snakes. The trio bastard  daughters of spear-wielding Oberyn; which are Obara, Tyene and Nymeria will be played by Keisha Castle Hughes, Rosabell Laurenti Sellers and Jessica Henwick. And if you have not seen the photos… oh man…. You’ll love them!

Obara will be carrying a spear like her father, Tyene will be equipped with double daggers and Nymeria, my personal favorite, will wielding a whip. As you could see in the photos below, all of them are perfect to meet your parents, sure they got the looks, and probably the brains as they are princesses of Dorne. But, beware, they are also very deadly with their weapons.


Other than Oberyn’s three daughters, the whole season looks very exciting as we expect answers to what happened to John Snow and Stannis; Arya Stark; Tyrion; Sansa and Littlefinger; and Daenerys.

Season 5 of Game of Thrones premieres on April 12; and the guys from HBO have produced this teaser a month ago for us to go giddy with so much excitement!



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