
Ghost Recon Wildlands Singleplayer Video Showcases Cool Mechanics – Hungry Geeks

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands is without a doubt part of this year’s highly anticipated games. As usual with Ubisoft, to tease and convert undecided minds, they released a video showcasing the singleplayer campaign via a mission walkthrough. The video follows the team of four Ghosts, elite military operatives, as they undertake a mission to weaken the cartel. The video is about 22 minutes long so best bring something to eat while you’re at it.

If you’re in a hurry, here’s a list of the mechanics shown in the video:

With mere months before it’s release, Ghost Recon Wildlands is expected to make waves of epic proportions. Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands will hit stores on March 7, 2017. It will be available on the PS4, Xbox One, and of course, PC.



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