
Google to launch new messaging service | Hungry Geeks | Latest news

In the past few years, online messaging has become one of the biggest take for tech companies, brands such as Facebook, WeChat and Whatsapp have made so much improvements in their platforms adding more features embedded into chats. Google, however has been left behind the race to turn messaging into their own operating systems. Their popular messaging products, Hangouts is till used largely for text and video chats and nothing more than that.

According to a report from the Wall Street Journal, Google is planning to launch a new messaging service that will learn mostly on artificial intelligence to boost their ranking in the competition. Google’s new messaging application will likely include chatbots that will automatically respond to queries made in the app itself. Simply put, you ask a question and the app will respond immediately just like Google Search.

While messaging apps account for billions of users, Google will be handling a competitve race. Facebook, in particular, has been aggressively building their Messenger app to become much more than just a way to chat with Facebook friends. We’ll see how Google will handle the competition.



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