
On February 6, Helldivers 2: Servants of Freedom Warbond will be available.


Let’s be honest, Helldivers: Super Earth is for it. No matter what “it” is. Zealous commitment is expected from all residents of Super Earth, and all Helldivers agree with this theory. However, the Helldivers must show their affiliation. The only way to properly display it is with the products from our upcoming Warbond*: Servants of Freedom, which launches on February 6: they must appear like the political followers in. What does a person’s genuine dedication to politics look like?
Hellbombs. It looks like Hellbombs. They actually take a information: independence is large, noisy, and happening all around you. It gets the heart of democracy soaring, and gets a lot of other things soaring, too, like houses, Bile Titans, and Automaton business websites. Then, think you’ve got that kind of liberation strapped to your back. That’s the B-100 Portable Hellbomb, a pillar of political wisdom in a convenient handbag structure, which can be quickly activated by you or a good teammate. Just be sure to cut the group and clear the area once it’s effective, because the B-100’s got a ten-second clock that doesn’t get canceled.
How can you increase Sickle’s activity? Overclock it and add some steam. The LAS-17 Double-Edge Sickle is real hardship meets ecstasy as it begins to lose the bearer as well as everything in its route. Shoot through the problems, Helldiver.
To help you distribute liberty round, you could provide the GP-20 Ultimatum–a front-loading projectile pistol for your extra slot. The Ultimatum packs a punch like a rocket launcher on drugs, designed for closer-range usage. But be careful with it, or you might unintentionally release yourself along with the army.
There’s a new kind of throwable in Servants of Freedom, to. A little aircraft called the G-50 Seeker follows you and detonates when it is detected near enemies. The Seeker may even target pinged rivals, like sending it on a small war.
Every Helldiver is protected from becoming a Voteless by the Integrated Explosives silent, which guarantees that every Helldiver’s dead will explode and kill the enemies that surround them. The IE-3 Martyr and the IE-12 Righteous platform armors have coat and cloak-inspired details. One’s going to control your mind, man.
These headpieces even come with helmets with philosophical faces so that you can look down on the assault without fear. Present no failure, Helldiver. Then pair these units with the Fre Liberam and Per Democrasum robes and you’ll be covered in symbolic memories of your enrollment vow.
You can also provide the Raise Weapon clap and the Servant of Freedom player title to make you appear like a genuine supporter of democratic values.
Present the crew your support for Managed Republic with the Servants of Freedom Warbond on February 6 and become one of Super Earth’s most devoted soldiers!
*Requires center activity, paid order of Super Credits, and game development to access. 

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