
Your New IoT Devices Can Still Be Hacked: Here’s How to Prevent That | News and Reviews

Smart products have become a part of everyday life, and most people can’t imagine living without them anymore. They make life easier and help simplify everyday tasks to give everyone more time to do the things they need to do. That’s all dandy, but the unfortunate truth is that these nifty gadgets can become a sore point too if people aren’t careful.

In reality, security breaches are very common, and criminals love to target IoT devices because they’re often vulnerable. Without proper care, devices like smart TV’s, smart cameras, and smart locks all become weak leaks in a home network’s defense.

Thankfully, there are a few things that can be done to help protect devices from cyber threats.

Take Personal Responsibility

While every aspect of cybersecurity isn’t within the control of the individual user, it’s still up to them to protect themselves. No one else will be as concerned with a person’s security as they are, and this goes for online security as well.

That’s why everyone must take charge of the defensive measures they have in place. They also need to utilize more security solutions where necessary and keep monitoring their devices and network.

One handy security tool that anyone can implement (if the software or platform allows it) is two-factor authentication. It’s easy to set up and a quick way to establish a solid extra layer of security. This may feel like an inconvenient extra step one has to go through with every login. But a little inconvenience in exchange for peace of mind is a small price to pay.

Keep Passwords Unique

Trying to come up with a different password for every device, platform and account can be a big pain. With all of the accounts people have these days, keeping track of every complicated password is nearly impossible. But anyone who reuses passwords for their accounts is putting themselves at considerable risk. When criminals hijack one account, then every other account that shares the same password can easily be breached as well.

Even if a person’s personal account is never breached, there’s still the chance that the company suffers a data breach. And with the rate at which data breaches happen these days, that’s more likely to happen than not.

Those who struggle with remembering all their passwords should consider a password manager. Not only can these tools create unique passwords, but they also store them in a vault where they’re kept safe.

Use Customized Security Solutions

Regardless of the devices a person owns, they need to invest in security packages. Finding the right package will depend on a person’s needs, network, and the gadgets they have.

When searching for a security solution, keep in mind how home devices can possibly be exploited. For instance, microphones and cameras can be turned on remotely. So it might be a good idea to look for a package that includes a microphone monitor, for instance.

There are a number of good cybersecurity packages available from leading firms. People should shop around for one that fits both their needs and budgets.

Take Care of the Network

Every connected device in the house, from a smartphone to the smart fridge, relies on the WiFi network to function. Which means that anyone who wants to stay protected should secure their network first.

For starters, it’s crucial that the router’s default name and password get changed. Hackers can easily use the name to find out the make and model, and it’s easy to find default router passwords online.

Then consider going online with a VPN to keep the network secure and private at all times. VPN services use encrypted tunnels to keep any outside intruders from gaining access to information sent over the network. It’s safer to use a VPN while online because even if a breach happens, it will still scramble the data so criminals can’t get anything.

Finally, think about setting up a guest network for your friends. This lessens the risk of any infected devices compromising the rest of the network.

Don’t Forget The Updates

Every device and IoT product should regularly receive security patches if the manufacturer is doing their job right. These security updates should be downloaded regularly as they ensure that devices stay protected from known threats.

If needed, reboot a device to ensure that it starts downloading recent updates after it connects to the internet again.

Safety Comes First

As everything becomes connected, it’s important to consider how these products interact with people’s lives. They can give outsiders extreme power if they aren’t secure. This is only potentially problematic if people don’t take steps to secure their devices and networks.

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