Apple investigated making a Surface-like keypad for iphones Pro

The new ipads Air Magic Keyboard with larger touchscreen plus perform keys– picture credit: Apple
Yet as Apple has released a new Magic Keyboard for iPad Air, the business has also revealed that is has been researching a more Microsoft Surface-like traditional keyboard layout. &# 13, It feels as if we’ve always had the Magic Keyboard for iPad Pro and the iPad Air, but it was only launched in 2020. Also after it was released, though, Apple was continuing to investigate this Surface-like option. &# 13,” Based console equipment having many installation methods for a pill computing device”, is a newly-revealed patent application, which follows on from a prior version applied for in July 2020. Despite being filed well after the Magic Keyboard would have been in development, nevertheless, this invention links over 40 different files, dating back to 1993. &# 13, Each of these tend to handle aspects of a device’s console solution, such as sliding sheets, or bolts. This latest one describes the total system, from keypad to how it would remain detached when needed. &# 13,” ]It is an ] accessory device for a tablet computing device]which ] may include a base portion having one or more input devices ( e. g., keyboards, trackpads, touchscreen displays, and the like ) for providing inputs to the tablet computing device”, says the patent application. &# 13,” The accessory device may include a coupling mechanism for releasably coupling the bottom part of the accessory system to a product processing system in multiple different assembly modes”, it continues. ” The coupling mechanism may include an auxiliary display for providing a graphical output along a surface of the coupling mechanism” .&# 13, There’s also a note that, “additionally or alternatively, the coupling mechanism may include a recess for receiving a stylus” .&# 13, It’s in the drawings that resemblance to a Surface is clearest. Illustrations are not intended to be finalized product illustrations, simply ever an aid to explaining what the trademark claims. &# 13, It’s not as stylish as the Magic KeyboardHowever, almost all of the people in this invention could be illustrations of Surface designs. &# 13, “]The drawings ] show a system that includes a tablet computing device and an accessory device that are capable of being releasably coupled together in multiple installation modes”, says Apple. &# 13,” The center section may contain a key-board having a set of mechanical keys”, continues the patent. ” The coupling mechanism may be positioned along a side of the keyboard and may be configured to rotatably couple the base portion to the tablet computing device having a touchscreen display” .&# 13, There are drawings that are unmistakably Apple rather than Microsoft Surface. But, what makes them unmistakeable is what’s shown on the camera. &# 13, And these case pictures of the tablet’s graphical software are all plainly showing mac, no iPadOS, nor iOS. &# 13, Some of them show an example a Mac display,” that changes in response to a portion of the touchscreen display being covered by a body section of a coupling mechanism of an accessory device” .&# 13, The change shown in the drawing resembles the notch in the most recent MacBook Pro range. The Mac’s menu bar is lowered, battery indicator and AirPlay/Wi-Fi icons are raised up into the corners, and the gap in between is filled by this” coupling mechanism” .&# 13, It’s peculiar to show macOS in an iPad drawing, but by itself it isn’t definitive proof that Apple was also thinking of copying the Surface in terms of putting a Mac into the tablet. &# 13, No, it’s an iPad. However, it’s also not a one-off, chance mistake of the patent inventors grabbing the wrong clip art. The drawings about the display changing because of the coupling mechanism, show quite carefully worked-out variations. &# 13, For instance, one shows the mechanism also holding an Apple Pencil in a recessed holder. And another shows the Pencil removed from the recess, revealing a row of tool icons. &# 13, Whether it all shows a road not taken — or not taken yet — the patent does leave you appreciating the Magic Keyboard’s design more. &# 13, This patent is credited to four inventors, including frequent contributor Paul X. Wang. His many previous patents for Apple include one for a projected keyboard that could be used with” Apple Glass”.